
Why does my dog have a dry nose?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Dogs can have dry noses for a number of reasons. The most common are dehydration, extreme hot or cold temperatures/sudden temperature changes

Dehydration is most common

6 Answers

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Dog noses are typically wet because of their tear glands, so when your dog has a dry nose it often times indicates that there's an underlying issue such as allergies or it's possibly irritated. The notion that when a dog's nose is dry is an indication that the dog is sick is false. There's also other factors to take into consideration that might be the cause of it too: the nose naturally gets dry during sleep, your dog might be too close to a heat source, the dog is dehydrated, or the dog has a sunburn.


A dogs nose naturally gets dry during sleep, when your dog wakes up from his nap and it's dry it's normal! 😊


Your dog is too close to the heat, some dogs like to sleep close to heat vents during cold months ! β›„


Your dog has not been drinking enough water! Always supply your dog with water! He may become dehydrated if not enough water is provided πŸΎπŸ’§


Dogs with dry noses are usually dehydrated. Get them into some shade and give them water. Make sure they don't drink the water too fast because this could cause them to vomit and get even more dehydrated. It could also mean that they are over heated, especially with large, dark-colored, and thick-Coated dogs. Shade and water are your pets best friend which a dry nose. They could also have some sort of an allergy that would cause a dry nose.


A dry nose indicates and allergy or irritant.


Dogs usually have wet noses because their tear glands empty into their noses, but just because it's dry doesn't mean that there's anything wrong. If your dog's dry nose is not inflamed or infected, he should be fine, especially if they are eating and playing normally.


Dry nose could be from a variety of different reasons, the main two being: (1) a cold, or (2) temperature of air. The nose is how they circulate their body temperatures. If your dog is panting, it is probably #2. If your dog has had a dry nose for longer than 24 hours, it could perhaps be a cold. Call your vet if it continues longer than that! This is very common.