
Why does my dog scoot on her bottom?

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Because there anal glad sacs are full and they need to get expressed. Your regular veterinarian usually can help with that!

I can't afford a vet

6 Answers

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A dog may scoot his butt on the ground because he needs his anal glands expressed. All dog have two anal glands, one on either side of their rectum, that are used to scent mark. Normally, when going to the bathroom, the anal glands express. If the anal glands are full and won't express for whatever reason, a dog may scoot. A quick trip to the vet for an anal gland expression will solve this problem. It may be something that needs to be addressed regularly, every couple months. You can also learn to express them yourself at home if you're comfortable.


It could be from worms or the dogs anal glands. This can be done at the vet or at the groomers. If it's not done correctly it could cause serious health problems for the dog. If it worms the vet can let you know. Worms usually don't leave the body on their own with out meds or if they have a lot.


As already mentioned, anal glands are a cause for bum scooting. It's also a symptom of worms, so maybe check their stool and see if there's anything out of the ordinary in there.


What can I buy for him


Also anal glands not being expressed can be connected to bowel movements, stool not being hard enough to squeeze them out itself. Checking in with their food might help, maybe an adjustment is in order. You could learn to do it at home but I will mention that it is quite sickening, the smell of it that is, almost worth paying for.


Your dog could have worms or their anal glands are impacted. You should take your dog to the vet.


Dogs can drag their bottom for a variety of reasons: 1. anal glands are full. you can go to a groomer or vet to get them expressed or learn to do it yourself. 2. Poop may be stuck in the hairs or there is diarrhea and they don't feel clean enough 3. Dog has worms/parasites such as Roundworms, Whip Worms or tapeworms. This is often seen in dogs that aren't on any type of heart worm prevention or dogs that have been on the streets. Puppies are often infected by momma when they nurse from her that's why puppies tend to have to go through a couple rounds of deworming. If your dog isn't on any type of prevention then I would recommend them getting tested for heartworms and get on a monthly prevention regimen. If money is an issue there are typically many places where you can get for a discounted price. Also try looking online on 1-800 Petmeds for discounted meds. They will verify with your vet before sending any medications to you. Some animal shelters also tend to give prevention clinics as well.


Typically dogs scoot on their bum because they need their anal glands expressed or because they have worms. Anal glands need expressed every 2-4 months depending on the dog. This can be done at home but I would recommend paying a groomer or vet to do this.

A less common reason a dog is scooting is because they have worms. This is something a vet can check and also treat. Dogs can come into contact with worms at public parks and dog parks so it is not totally unheard of.


I can't afford to take him to a vet


I also would say that it's more than likely an anal gland situation. Normally when a dog passes a bowel movement they will express on their own. If they're plugged they won't express, or if they're having loose stool. If they're having mushy stool I would recommend canned pumpkin ( NOT pumpkin pie filling, but just canned pumpkin ) this will provide enough fiber to firm up the poo. If you don't notice a difference with the scooting, a lot of groomers will express them for you for a fee, or you can ask you vet to express them. Otherwise if they keep scooting it might express on your carpet. Just some ideas :)


There are many reasons why. First, go check the butt of your dog. Check for anything that may cause itchiness like dirt or fleas. If the external is all clear, monitor the bowel movement of your dog. Is she going on a regular basis? How does her feces look like? Watery? If it is, she may be experiencing diarrhea, which can cause her to rub her butt on the floor. On the other hand, if she isn't pooping regularly, then you should check her anal sacs (sides of the anal opening) if there is a slight inflammation. She may have inflamed sacs due to it filling up with feces and that needs to be expressed.

We can speculate but your best bet is to go visit a vet. If you need more initial information, you can refer to this article: (