
Why does my dog eat birds?

Yesterday my dog caught a bird and ate it. He's done this before, and Im not sure if this is okay. Should I be preventing this? Why does he do this?


They're descendants of wolves, dead or alive it's prey.

4 Answers

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This is very normal canine behavior. Dogs are natural hunters and can enjoy catching and eating animals like birds. You should try to prevent if it you catch it though because birds can carry diseases.


As Linda said, it is normal because dogs are predators. It could be part of her breed as well. Our german short hair (bird dog) seems to prey on some animals more than others. Their stomach is perfectly capable of breaking down raw meat, beaks, feathers, etc. However, it can cause some gastrointestinal issues. If you notice he has ate something he is not supposed to, just keep an eye out for symptoms such as not eating, pooping black/blood or acting our of character.


A lot of dogs actually enjoy hunting - its fun for them. They are predators, so it can be incredibly fulfilling for a dog to hunt, catch, and eat prey. Some breeds have higher prey drive than others. This behavior can be very good or very bad, depending on you and your dog. It may be a behavior that you want to stop, as your dog could begin preying on other small animals - bunnies, rats, even small dogs or cats. Some owners think its cute at first when their dog tries to chase after something on a walk, but this can soon get out of hand. If you are a hunter though, this could be a behavior that you nurture and fine tune.


I imagine your dog eats birds for the same reason we do...he just has the added enjoyment of hunting and catching his, where most of us prefer the grocery store. He's just doing his doggy thing.