
Why does my dog get hiccups a lot?

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Hiccups are a spasm of the diaphram. Dogs get hiccups when they are excited, eat too fast, stressed or anxious. It is very common in dogs

2 Answers

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Hiccups are a spasm.Dogs get hiccups when they're excited or eat too fast.


Hiccups are caused by air getting trapped within the diaphragm or if the dog eats too fast or starts running/playing too quickly after eating. Also small dog breeds tend to get hiccups more often than larger dogs. I know it sounds weird but I actually burp my dog when he gets the hiccups just like a baby. It actually works. I had a friend who was fostering dogs and that's what she found to work. All my foster pups who get hiccups also get burped too. Typically will go away after a few seconds of burping them.