
Why is my dog shedding so much?

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This is both determined by type of breed and time of year. Dogs shed more when it's hotter out -- hello spring and summer! To help them, and your clothes, brush them regularly. Shedding all year? Do some research on your dog's breed types to determine appropriate grooming maintenance.

2 Answers

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This really depends on your dogs breed! Most dogs have specific times when they are changing their coats, getting ready for either winter or summer. This can be caused by hotter/colder than usual weather in your area. This is the most common reason that dogs shed.

Dogs can also shed because their skin is lacking the nutrients it need to be healthy! You can try giving your pup some fish oil, coconut oil, or even a raw egg in their meal to help. I personally love the Salmon Oil made for pups that you can get on Amazon - it has helped my dogs and their shedding tremendously!

Not as common, dogs can also shed because they are sick or extremely stressed. Skin infections such as mange, immune disorders and even cancer can cause dogs to lose large amounts of hair in short periods of time. However, this is the least of my worries when it comes to shedding. I would recommend giving your pup a good bath and brush, or even getting them groomed, starting them on something for their skin and seeing if it improves. If it does not within a couple of weeks, then I would recommend taking them to the vet just to be on the safe side!


The most common shedding is related to the type of breed and changes in the time of year. Regular brushing can help and there are a lot of brushes that address the undercoat and shedding as well. If it's something more intense and unusual you'll likely see it combined with itching, watery eyes, and changes in behavior, In that case, you will want to talk to your vet about allergies or skin conditions.