
Why does my house smell like dog?

My house seems to perpetually smell like dog and I'd love to know of the best ways to eliminate the smell. Should I be washing my dog more often? Should I wash everything in the house??

5 Answers

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I have 4 dogs and I clean everyday. Sweeping and mopping. Grooming is important, bathing is done every 3 weeks unless they get dirty (like mud or whatever). Its important to use friendly and save pet products. Out of my 4 dogs I have 2 Shih Tzu and they don't shed. My other dogs are lab mixes and have to be groomed weekly. This is what must be done to keep the smell out of the house.


I would definitely wash all blankets the dogs have slept on. If you have furniture covers, I'd wash those too and give your dog a good bath. If you don't wash their bedding and just give them a bath they're going to start smelling quite quickly again. :) Can also use some pet safe essential oil diffusers in your house as well.


Invest in a good carpet steam cleaner and keep incense or tart burners on rotation! I vacuum every day and steam clean at least once a week to keep the smells away!


A Febreeze scented vacuum filter does wonders! Since my dog sheds quite often, I end up vacuuming every few days anyway and the febreeze scent makes my whole house smell nice and fresh :)


Hello, If your house smells like dog, it's probably a combination of the presence of your actual dog and the things the dog leaves behind in the house. In many older, non-altered, or less house-trained dogs (and, incidentally, frequently in cats) house soiling could be a problem that the owner doesn't realize exists. Is your pet healthy? Could he be urinating in the house when you leave home? This is the first thing to look for, as it would give a smell to your home that would be unpleasant and hard to locate.

I don't recommend washing your dog more than once a month, but you should consult your veterinarian about your dog's individual needs. For example, some dogs have allergies or sensitive skin and cannot be washed as frequently, whereas some dogs, especially large breeds that go out hiking/swimming/camping, need baths with a mild shampoo more frequently to keep the skin healthy and free of debris or parasites. If your dog itself doesn't smell bad, and if he's healthy and happy, I wouldn't adjust your grooming habits.

Finally, take on the house. Do you have carpets? If they're covered with hair, they will smell like dog. Some people go "nose blind" to the dog smell after awhile because they're so used to it- frequent vacuuming of any floors should help. Having a wet dog on your fabric surfaces will create a lasting smell, as will, of course, a dog with anal sac problems (consult a veterinarian if this is the case). If all else fails, steam clean the carpets.

With a clean dog and frequently cleaned floors, you'll get that odor under control in no time!