
How many calories does my dog need?

Could anyone guide me on how many calories my dog should be taking in each day? It could help me figure out the right amount of food to give him so he can be at a healthy weight and with the right energy level. Thanks!

1 Answer

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There are many determining factors when it comes to the amount of food you should be giving your dog. The size, age, and activity level are the 3 most important. For instance, does your dog train and compete in agility? Or does your senior dog spend most of his days napping and exercises briefly? Obviously, the more active the dog is, the more "fuel to the fire" he/she needs. I'm attaching a link to a very basic chart that shows caloric intake based on weight. You should consult your veterinarian regarding what type of food your dog should eat to maintain a healthy weight, while maintaining his/her lifestyle.