
How often should you wash your puppy?

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2 Answers

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I use an oatmeal-infused shampoo on my dog! It usually ends up being about every 3 weeks - which is when he gets smelly from something he rolled in! Hope this helps!


A good rule of thumb is every 3-4 weeks, unless they get dirty. A shampoo formulated for dogs is best. Baby shampoo is tolerated by most dogs, but not all of them, so I wouldn't risk it. Regular human shampoo is always a no-no. It'll really irritate the skin. It's always good to also clean their ears afterward with a doggie ear cleaner. They typically will have a drying agent in them that helps to evaporate the moisture, lowering the risk of an ear infection.


A puppy should only be bathed when he or she gets dirty. It's a good idea to use a shampoo specially formulated for puppies, but baby shampoo can also be used.