
How do I know if my dog is pregnant?

I think my dog got frisky with another dog at the dog park the other day. If she's pregnant, when will I know? How can I tell?

2 Answers

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You have a few options, depending on how much money you are able to spend and how long you want to have to wait to find out. A dog's gestation period is 2 months, but you should notice her getting larger before then. Also her mammary glands will swell.

If you want to know sooner, you can take her into your vet for an ultrasound or an x-ray. I can't remember how far along she would need to be, but the pups should show up on u/s sooner than x-ray.

The best thing for her health, and for the overpopulation problem, is to have her spayed, which can still be done even if she's pregnant, although the further along she is, the trickier the surgery is. You can also wait to have her spayed until after the puppies are born (wait until they are weaned and her mammary glands have dried up). Check the internet for low-cost spay and neuter programs if you need to.


Get your dog fixed! Don;t be irresponsible.