
Why does my dog hide his bone?

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Most of the dogs I've taking care of do it so they can eat it or chewit up at a later time. I've seen it, this is only my own opinion. PS normally my bigger breed dogs do it .

Every dog I have had (small dogs) have buried their bones and dug them up later.

4 Answers

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From what I've learned in a dog behavior course, along with some dog behavior books I've read, some dogs will instinctively hide bones, food, or treats as their "hoard". You have to think back to where dogs as we know them come from....not wolves, but wild dogs. Dogs grow up in litters, so they have competition to resources (food) that ensures their survival. So stashing away food that they can find later when food sources are slim, ensures they will have a meal, when the other dogs won't. So it is basic instinct on a deep level. Not all dogs hide food/treats, just as not all dogs dig holes to lay in to feel warmer/ cooler/ all depends on what is still hard wired in the dog's lineage.


It's instinctual: "By burying carcasses and bones, dogs were essentially creating natural refrigerators for them. The dirt prevented other creatures from smelling and finding their bounty, maintained freshness longer by keeping away sunlight, and also “marinated” the food with the tastes of the earth." -


It's instinctual, for dogs and many other species, to hide their food so they can come back to it later in case they are unable to access food at a later time.


I think that dogs hide their bones as a territorial behavior. In a "pack dog" situation, hiding food prevents other dogs from finding/eating/playing with it, and allows the dog to go back to it later. I've seen this with dogs who live alone, too, and I think it's rooted in the same possessive instinct.