
Can I use baby shampoo on my dog?

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The way I made bathing fun for my puppy was- I first introduced him to puppy wipes and gradually introduced him to water. Watch this video to know how to give your puppy a  relaxing spa treatment at home using puppy wipes : (

5 Answers

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love your dog. You should use this shampoo while you bathing your dog. You can use human shampoo but not regular. Use your baby shampoo for your dog. That makes the dog very comfortable." data-refresh-url="/community/question/17028/?answer=47099#post-id-47099" data-editor-type="markdown" data-validator="askbot.validators.answerValidator" >

Of course, it is your responsibility to take care that you (love your dog). You should use this shampoo while you bathing your dog. You can use human shampoo but not regular. Use your baby shampoo for your dog. That makes the dog very comfortable.


I've had dogs all my life! We've used baby shampoo for their face and head, Dawn to wash the body, dont have that get Main and Tail, dont have that get Head and Shoulders. After get an oatmeal dog shampoo for the sensitive skin, dont have that get Skin So Soft(sss) Original and spray pet down. GUARANTEED your dog will be flea free at the end of the bath. Just be sure to reapply the SSS every week to continue to repell fleas and ticks! Works like a charm! We live in a woods area I have 2 pits now and they have never had a problem with fleas, ticks or any other skin disorders. In the past have had German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers and Chihuahua's.. Hope this helps it does for us!


It can be very tricky determining if a human product is appropriate for a canine. One vet or expert may tell you one thing and another contradict their opinion. Also, google searches to determine if each ingredient is safe can lead to contradicting answers. It is always safest to use a trusted dog shampoo, preferably natural. While many human products may be perfectly fine, I don't take chances.


Is Johnson baby shampoo ok to use on my American akita as I know that they have a double coat so just wanted to check before I use it on him thanks


I have a standard poodle. Since he was a puppy, I've used Head & Shoulders shampoo on him. I just feel it works so well with his skin and fur. I get a lot of compliments on his fur, too!

**H&S is often vet recommended, even by my dog's own vet. H&S is perfectly safe for many dogs, but ask your vet.


I totally agree with Moureene T. I was a dog groomer through college and baby shampoo is certainly a great back-up option for cleaning your pet-We used it whenever we were in a pinch. I would stick to an all natural brand that uses less chemicals (But, I try do that regardless). As always, consult a vet if you have any reservations.


Straight from a groomer. Good to know!


Yes. While your first option should always be a shampoo made specifically for dogs, if the need arises, baby shampoo is a good choice.
Baby shampoo is designed to be gentle and sensitive to skin and non-irritating to the eyes (great for squirmers).
Avoid using all other shampoos made for humans unless it is baby shampoo. Still not feeling confident? Ask your vet and always clear it with your pet parents, especially in the case of allergies