
Charging for cat and bird care help?


Have you ever had a potential client try to haggle cat care/non-dog care costs by saying you wouldn't need to clean the litter box for the whole week? How would you feel about this? This person has three cats and two parakeets (as well as an older dog) and said I wouldn't need to clean the litter box. She was very vague about whether she wanted one drop in visit a day or wanted general house sitting so I didn't know what to tell her about my rate.

I mean, not cleaning the litterbox for a week is obviously disgusting and not fair to the cats, right? How would you handle this?

Also, do you charge less for a dog that is super old & won't need actual walks?

2 Answers

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I have a $5 charge for cat care, regardless of the number of cats. I would definitely charge a few $$ since there are 3 of them. I can't believe or imagine her not wanting a littler box for 3 cats not cleaned for a whole week. Stinky, stinky. And with you staying there, just yuck.

The bird charge would depend on the amount of care needed. My neighbor has birds, and they do require enough care that I would charge for them as well.

Here's what I recommend. Do not discount for the dog. Even though it doesn't need walking, it will still need care, taking outside to pee and poop, feeding, etc. Charge $5 extra per day total for the other animals.


Hi, Sarah. I have had clients whose cat would literally stay hidden every time I went to drop-in and so I really only spent my time with their dogs. It took less than 5 minutes of my time to refill the cat's food bowl and do a quick scoop of the litter box, so I didn't charge anything extra in that case. I've also cared for bunnies in addition to a client's two dogs, but again, their care didn't require much time, so I personally didn't charge extra. Since you will also be caring for two birds, do you need to feed them, clean their cage, refresh their water, etc? Do the cats seem social? If so, I would just clump the cats and the birds together as an "additional pet" if you feel like you need to charge for the time spent caring form them. I would be sure to clarify with her what service she is needing. The reservation request should have come through as either drop-in visits or house-sitting, though. I require a minimum of 2 visits a day, and especially considering that you will be caring for an older dog, I would recommend doing so. I do not lower my rate for senior dogs, your time and value do not decrease based on the dog's age. They may require special needs such as help getting up or medications due to their age, too.


Thanks Hillary. The request came in as a drop in visit but she thinks they might actually want house sitting instead so I guess she'll get back to me on that. Our meet n greet is tomorrow.

She tells me that I won't need to clean the litter box or birdcage for the week she's away but that's what makes me concerned... it seems like, to save money, she's telling me I don't have to do those things but it doesn't seem fair to the animals & it's obviously unhygienic.

Maybe I shouldn't charge for the extra animals but three cats and two parakeets is definitely a lot to care for so I'm really not sure.

Also, it's worth noting that I only charge $16 for drop in visits for one dog

Your additional pet rate of $4 seems very reasonable. I would hope that she wouldn't get upset over an extra $4/day if you house sit. Perhaps even if you do two drop-ins, you could just charge the extra $4 for one of the visits for each day to cover the time needed for litter/birdcage clean up.