
Former Client not Responding to Messages?

Hello all!

I was walking this adorable lab puppy twice a week for close to a month, then his owner told me she was going away for a week and would let me know when she needed me again. After the second week with no response, I reached out to her to see if all was okay. Still no response. I let it go and figured she would contact me eventually. When I sent her that message, it was on an old message, so I thought she may never have received it. So a week ago I sent her a new request because I still have her apartment key, but she still hasn't responded.

What am I supposed to do?

1 Answer

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Maybe something happened and she had to move or leave. If you still have her apartment key and would like to return it, you should call and let her know you would like to get it back to her. You can always go by there and knock on her door or let the office know at the apartment complex and return it to them. Or, you can just let it go because sometimes when people up and move they change the locks anyways.


Yup. You can drop off the key at the apartment's main office and they will know what to do with it.