
What are some creative ways to assist in making my profile stand out to attract clients with pit bulls and other bully breeds needing services?

I am a new sitter to Rover and am bully breed/pit bull friendly.

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Hi Adesjola: I took a look at your profile and you mention you had a pit bull.....why not have a pic of you and your pit bull as your profile pic? I find that potential clients like to look at pics and read reviews. So once you get pit bull clients and post their pics to your profile, you'll get more of the same type of client (pit or pit mixes). Also, if pit bulls are your most desired client, you should mention your own pit rescue earlier in your "about me" paragraph....leave the horse riding until later (I love horses too!).


I will search for a pic of her. She's been gone 7 years now and I miss her. She was my absolute favorite. I did mention her in my profile. Maybe I should elaborate more. I appreciate your advice. Anything else is welcomed as well.