
Why review a stay?

What is the purpose of a sitter reviewing a stay/animal? Does the owner have star ratings on their profile for us to view? The instructions say it is for Rover's internal use? Does not reviewing a stay affect a sitters rating or position in searches at all? I don't know really what to say in these reviews....especially for the same animals over and over

2 Answers

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I'm not inside Rover HQ to know exactly what is done with the info. For the dogs that may be considered challenging, I'd hope info. that benefits Rover's Trust & Safety team in managing stays and potentially booking stays with Rover sitters that are up to those challenges, especially if problems re-occur with others. For dogs we love to care for, it may not warrant the same attention, but it's possible that it could be useful in the future.

But here's why I do them (both for new pets and even for my repeat guests): It provides written documentation which may help if another sitter ever cares for them for any reason at all. It creates a record. (Even though it may be tempting to think that's only important If it's a dog that a sitter will not host again, even for repeat clients there could be reasons why that would be useful - they move, or travel to another place and need services, the health& resulting behavior of the pet changes over time, or the regular sitter isn't available for an endless number of reasons)

So, I'll include what I observe (both good and room for improvement / any potential issues to be aware of) Re.:

  • how the dog walks while leashed
  • how the dog eats
  • the dog's preferences & socialization with other animals
  • any other outdoor or indoor behaviors worth noting
  • any special care needs (whether it relates to administering medications, grooming, walking, etc).


Rover has said that other sitters do not have access to our personal reviews of a stay/dog. I have never been able to see sitter reviews of dogs even when I know another Rover sitter has taken care of them.

True. Only Rover support has access to the reviews. If the record needed to be referred to, it establishes a history file on the dog.


I'm pretty sure it's just notes for the sitter to remember for the next time the owner contacts you. Some sitters may board so many dogs it's easy to forget the details.