
Help! My new Frenchton is so gasssy!

She's on a very good quality food but she stinks like a bum! Help?


Frenchie breed are known for being flatulant. There may not be anything you can do. Have you tried speaking to a holistic vet?

9 Answers

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You might try our premium, grain-free food is formulated for all life stages. Packed with nourishing, high-quality ingredients, this delicious food is perfectly balanced with all of the proteins, omega-3s, vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients pet kids need to thrive … without the grains. See our website: or contact me Kurt


I would suggest all natural and higher quality dog food. Even microwave the food, so its easier to digest for the dog. It all comes down to diet.


Try a spoonful of yogurt daily. It doesn't matter which flavor. I used to foster Greyhounds which are notorious for their gas issues. It was a well-known tactic in our group to give a spoonful of yogurt to each Grey daily to help with their digestion issues. This work great! Give it a couple of days to begin seeing the stomach-calming effect.


If there are a lot of vegetables in her food it can cause a lot of gas, try transitioning over to a food that consist of more protein's.. Wellness Core is a great one to try for this problem. Make sure you check the ingredients list on her food, it could be as simple as this! Good luck!


If she has food allergies Wellness also has a food that has very few ingredients yet is completely holistic! There are many great holistic foods out there you can try, Solid Gold is another great one for gassiness, people would come in with this problem a lot, you have to remember to stick withe a new food for at least a month before your dogs system can completely transition to the new diet before you'll know for sure if it's right for her!


I have been told to add a little bit of pumpkin puree into their food. It might not stop the gas, but it helps to make it smell better and does wonderful things for a pets digestive system.


Check with your veterinarian. Do you give her treats also? I had a dog that couldn't have most treats because they made her gassy. They gave me treats to give to her. During a week long stay they didn't have time to get more before dropping off. I ran out of their treats and gave her just a tiny piece of one I had. Minutes later the room reeked! I learned my lesson!


Could be that the food isn't agreeing with your pup. Anything from a specific protein to any ruffage ingredient.


Could it be food allergy?


Yes I think all Frenchies are sensitive to allergens.

Oh yes Chandra. Many allergies. Sigh.


Have you tried a slow feeder dish?