
Can I recieve credit for a returning client?

Husband first booked through Rover and then wife (probably for discount) with same dogs. Can I get credit for returning client?

2 Answers

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While you do not receive a credit for having a repeat client, your profile will reflect that you have had a repeat clients which is a good sign for other potential clients when they are browsing your profile. To them, this means that you have provided excellent services so much so that the client chose to book with you again.


If I'm understanding the situation, two different owners booked with you - they each have their own profile and as far as Rover is concerned, are two separate people. But in reality they're husband and wife, and you sat the same dogs for both owners. I don't think Rover has a way to tell that "Jane" with dogs Fido and Spot is the same family as "Joe" with dogs Fido and Spot. You could email Rover directly and ask them, but my guess is your profile won't acknowledge a repeat client for this. But hopefully one of them uses their profile to book with you again - and it'd be great if they both reviewed you!


In that scenario, I would not worry about it not reflecting as a repeat client. If the stays go well, you can gain great reviews, benefit from word of mouth as the couple tells others, and next time the dogs should show as repeat guests. If you ask,rover may remove discount which could sour things.