
new mobile app is not compatible with my windows phone will limit the booking capabilities for clients and myself?

This new mobile app is not compatible with my windows phone which is soon to be mandatory if you are performing check-in or walking services. This is the majority of my business, so now I have to book everyone under house sitting and adjust the pricing to reflect either the check-in or walking service rate. Now I see that I am only permitted to book 1 dog a day due to this being under house do you get capability to increase the numbers of jobs I am willing to accept per day under house sitting? I can no longer book my clients under check-ins or walking once this incompatible app becomes mandatory for those services.

2 Answers

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Do you regularly have access to a computer where you could make your changes? When you receive a request, you can modify the service to the correct one. I frequently have to do so with Cat Care. Rather than potentially losing out on customers or causing confusion by only having your profile listed under House Sitting, you could try to wait to book the stay until you have access to a computer. Or, my phone allows me to visit the site through Google Chrome, could you use whatever internet provider you have on your Windows phone to go about booking services, rather than the app? I would also contact Rover Support ASAP to let them know that the new app is not working on your Windows phone, so perhaps they can update it before the report cards become required in a few weeks.


I do have access to a computer but the girl I emailed from Rover said that you have to have this app to perform the check in and walking that true?

Oh, I see that you're having issues with the report card feature, not booking. Yes, I believe that it is going to be required in the near future. Hopefully they will get the kinks smoothed out before it is, so that you can continue your services!

a Android or iOS phone to complete drop in visits, walks and doggy daycare. All of those services need to have report cards submitted through the app, and can't be done through a computer.

In this case, I would suggest booking as housesitting and adjusting the cost to the correct amount. a clear indication in the Rover messages that the expectation was set for drop in visits instead of house sitting (or other services etc.), you should be fine to proceed Meredith F. Rover Support

problem with this is site will not permit me to increase the number of jobs I can book in one day....keeps stating 1 because I have to have it under house sitting. This is really screwing allot of things up.....all because the app will not work on my phone.

Why can't you have an app that works with all smartphones and not just a few??


From what I heard during the webinar, it will be required starting sometime in September. They did say that if you forgot to start or stop your walk, you could contact Rover support to sort it out and ensure you get paid. I assume since you have a windows phone and can't use the app, you could contact them at the end of each walk to ensure you get paid too. Hopefully that helps!


yes, and what about check in does that work?