
If a client books multiple drop-in appointments (e.g., M-F weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4) in a single booking, will we be paid partially after each week or have to wait for after week 4?

If a client books multiple drop-in appointments (e.g., M-F weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4) in a single booking, will we be paid partially after each week or have to wait for after week 4? In other words if a client books multiple dates and there are date breaks between the drop in appointments requested, will we receive payment after 48 hours after each break or have to wait to receive the entire payment at the very end?


GREAT question! I'm about to be in this same situation. I think I'll ask the Owner to break the Booking into 2 payments.

1 Answer

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If it is all in a single booking, you will be paid when the whole thing is done (4 weeks in your case).

If the client booked each week separately, you would be paid after each week.

Also, FYI, funds are released to you 48 hours after the end of the gig.

Does that make sense?