
How do I find a sitter who will care for a female dog in heat?

I have a female dog that might or might not go into heat during our vacation. There is no setting that indicates if a sitter will accept a female in heat if the need arises. Is there any way I can search the sitter profiles for keywords?


P.S: I did find a sitter who seems great and is willing to take her but would like to know in general. Due to health concerns more owners opt for alternative sterilization (ovary sparing spay, tubal litigation) or neutering their pets after they are fully grown and would need this info.

2 Answers

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There isn't a way that you can search for key words, and the filter options are pretty limited. The best thing to do is just review the profiles of sitters that are within your budget and meet your other criteria. If they do not take females in heat, it will say so on their profile, along the right hand side. In your initial message to the sitter, just explain that your dog could potentially go into heat during the stay, and ask if that is something they have experience handling (or are comfortable handling).


Thank you for the info, Please add more filters or a key word search. Exchanging messages with everyone is cumbersome. There should be filters for the gender of resident dogs (only male/only female resident dogs), the age of resident dogs (young, senior) and dogs in heat accepted (yes/no).

You should make your suggestions to Rover itself so that it can improve the search function. If you go to the Help link at the top of the page, you will find a way to contact Rover.


On a sitters profile, in the details it states if they do or do not accept females in heat.