
Is there any way that a client's Rover number could be someone else's personal phone number?

I've been communicating with a current client on Rover and have had a strange problem with them. I met with them and their dogs and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, they seemed very nice and cool. We booked the stay and at least twice now, I've sent them a message and got a reply saying that they didnt know who I am and to stop texting them. Tonight, I sent them pictures over Rover of their dogs, who I am currently watching, and the number told me to f off...

4 Answers

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I would ask the dog owner if they changed phone numbers and haven't updated Rover. Maybe someone else has their old number? (The dog owner could be communicating to you through Rover's web interface, not through SMS texting from their phone.).

If it's not that, you should contact Rover with the specifics so they can research it. They evidently use a CLEC service to obtain DIDs (phone numbers). The CLEC probably forwards calls based on data sent from Rover. Maybe something is wrong . That's something Rover should know about. They're going to have bad name recognition if that became a common occurrence.


This happened to me too and the guy told me to F off - it could be the owners plugged one or two incorrect numbers when adding their info. I contacted Rover support who reached out to the owner, I didnt know about the trick mentioned so thanks Carmen C!!


I ran into something similar today. I called the Rover number of a potential client to try to set up a meet & greet (after the client had not responded to the message I sent yesterday), and the number is for a female massage therapist, not the male client at all! I contacted Rover Support about it and they said they'll contact the client on my behalf and explain that I'm waiting for a response from him.


The answer given is perfect.

You probably already know this, but the owner's personal number is listed on the top right hand corner of the stay itinerary. You should be able to contact them at least once directly.

I would be crushed if I was in your position, not to mention the flip side - being a client who doesn't receive pics or texts!

Good luck getting this resolved!