
Do you have to request testimonials to get your profile started?

Just curious! I have referrals, but they will likely take a while before writing back in. Is it possible for your account to go live without requesting testimonials?

4 Answers

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Unless things have changed since I signed up, you don't need testimonials before going live on the site.


It won't let me submit my application. Says my application is incomplete


You can go live still, I believe. I have only been signed up for a few months. I did have a couple testimonials added within a few days but personally did not get bookings right away anyway. I am relatively new to my area though as well, my friends that I dog sat for are now 1500 miles away.


I gave Rover a call - the rep that I spoke to said they did need at least one testimonial to approve new profiles. Maybe they've just updated their approval process.


At this point, all you need to get approved is to request a testimonial, not receive one. We wanted to ensure that every step to approval was in the sitter's control.

I've talked to our customer service team about it, sorry for the mis-information!