
I am a Rover dog sitter & will be going away June 29th and be back July 9. Anybody available to help? I can pay and also barter dog boarding or dog sitting in the future. Is anybody avail or have good sitter to sitter leads?

I am a Rover dog sitter myself and will be going away June 29th and be back July 9. My friend who was supposed to stay at my place while I'm gone can't do it now due to a work seminar he's being sent to. I am in West Hollywood. Anybody available to help? I can pay and also barter dog boarding or dog sitting in the future. Is anybody avail or have good sitter to sitter leads?


Im available

HI Erik: I'm still desperately looking. Are you available to help?

do you have a profile here?

I am working on a very tight budget [didn't anticipate my friend backing out last minute] but I can also barter and refer clients.

4 Answers

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If you are willing to pay why not find a sitter on Rover? I have had to go on vacation and that is the way I find a sitter. In fact I have met 2 sitters in my area and now we refer each other when one is busy. Good way to meet sitters in your area and network as well. I am leaving on vacation on Monday and I found a travel sitter through Rover who will be staying at my house, taking care of my 2 dogs.


I am working on a very tight budget [didn't anticipate my friend backing out last minute] but I can also barter and refer clients.


Check Facebook under " Sitter-to-Sitter Referrals"


I would contact Rover and ask them how they expect this to be done. For example, could you contact local sitters through Rover (as if you're booking a stay)? Does Rover expect sitters to work with Rover to find backups?

This seems like a shortcoming in the system. There's no "community" of sitters at the neighborhood (region) level. It's unclear if contacting local sitters through Rover would be an abuse of the system (since you're not really trying to book a stay with them).

If you ask, I hope you'll post what you learn. I'm curious what the official position is.


Yeah I am working on a very tight budget tho [didn't anticipate my friend backing out last minute] but I can also barter and refer clients. SO I'm still searching—


I'd suggest you may want to check out the new facebook accounts (there's a few under sitter-to-sitter if you search facebook) and maybe you can connect with nearby sitters. Another option is to send a general inquiry to nearby sitters and ask.


Ok, I just joined. It's pending. Thank you tho—