
how do I earn treats?

are there perks that come with treats? How do I earn the treats and why do I want to do so?

1 Answer

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HI BJ: The perks with treats is that you are connecting with other sitters on this site, and if you're like me, learning from their experiences! You can earn treats by asking and answering questions. If you really like a question or answer, you can "vote up" someone else's post by clicking on the + sign to the left of the question or answer. If someone else likes your question or answer, they can vote that up (you'll see some higher vote ups next to popular questions and answers). Rover staff can also award you "badges" on this forum. You can follow your activity (showing treats and badges earned) by clicking on the red square next to your name. You can vote down a question/response, however, that will deduct from your total treats you have earned.