
BS Spammers posting about Moving Services?

Over the past few days some idiots have been spamming this forum with messages about moving services. I have contacted Rover Support to have the posts removed and the users blocked.


This is an ongoing problem. All of us can flag posts (but are limited to only 5 flags/day). Support told me after flagging by 2 users, the posts disappear, but clearly that is not the case as some have 3 or more flags.

Thanks, Walt for contacting Rover about these posts! I have also flagged one or two of the bogus moving posts.....its really irritating to see these kind of posts pop up here! Now I'm back today (Monday) with more of these scammer posts....I used all 5 of my flags to flag as offensive.

2 Answers

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It is a pity that we have to wait until business days/hours on the West Coast for these spam messages to be deleted by Rover staff.


Hi all,

We're working on this but at the moment I have to manually delete the posts. Thank you for your patience as this isn't a super easy thing to solve quickly.


Thanks for working on it!