
Which airlines are best to travel with a dog that must fly cargo?

Our Bichon is too big to be allowed in the cabin and we're flying from SF to Chicago.


If you didn't already book tickets, you may want to search dog airline on the www. I saw private jet companies offering first class pet flying (not cargo), some accommodate humans/parents on flights in more of a first-class setting, for not much more that you'd pay for coach+pet.

7 Answers

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If you can find a flight, go ALASKA, I swear by them. They actually care about your pet! They make you send food, water and some sort of bedding to make sure they are good for the flight. They tell you when the dog is on the flight and make me feel very comfortable with it all, no other airline has made me feel this calm when flying with my dog.


Whatever you do, be extremely wary of the larger airlines. This story went viral a few weeks ago, and I am horrified to have ever flown United. (Apologies for it being from Fox News, but I have seen it published on multiple reputable news outlets) (


Frontier is amazing! Usually, the pet can ride with you (not in cargo) but even if they must be in cargo, they take great care of them!


I've flown several dogs coast to coast on American Airlines. The pups were well cared for and arrived without incldent


These answers are all old.....Are they still accurate? I had heard they made alot of changes but United used to be the best or mayble only one where ui could send the dog ahead wi9th food, water, crate and if temp at original airport and destination airport was forecast under 80 degrees, at least for brachycephalic breeds ie, flat face. Petsafe ii believe..... is that still a thing?


I've heard that Lufthansa is a great company!


There are several airlines that are considered to be among the best for traveling with a dog that must fly in cargo. Some of the top options include Delta, United, and American Airlines. These airlines have extensive experience with pet travel and have established protocols to ensure that your furry friend is safe and comfortable during the flight. Additionally, they offer a range of amenities and services, such as dedicated pet check-in counters, climate-controlled cargo holds, and professional pet handling services, to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. However, it's important to note that each airline may have different requirements and restrictions regarding pet travel, so it's essential to check with the airline beforehand and ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and equipment to ensure a safe and successful trip for your dog.