
Does anyone have a consent form they use for taking sits to the vet?

I had to take a sit to the vet for the first time. The vet was upset that I didn't have a form of consented for me making decisions, cost and that owner accepts responsibility for the cost. I would like to have one for my future customer. What an awful experience!

2 Answers

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I've been working on developing this to go with my other documents, but this question just gave me the push I needed to finish it. Thanks! :)


Thank you!

Is it ok if I could see/use the document you made for future use?

Sure - Any suggestions are appreciated! It'll be in use for the next clients I book with. :)

I added a clause about the maximum amount of money that can be spent (found it in a different vet consent form example).


I encourage you to communicate a best practice I use as a dog owner to dog owners that you book with in the future.

If I am going to be unreachable during my stay I call my vet to give them all of the information that would be in a consent form as well as payment information in the case of an emergency. This practice could be sent in the form in the form as an email as well (minus any payment information of course), so a copy can be left for the sitter. I also always leave a name and phone number of an emergency contact that can make medical decisions as well as submit payment on my behalf if I am unreachable. It is also not a bad idea for the vet to also have this information prior to the stay.

As this is your own business, you should feel free to create a form in the event of an emergency.

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