
Should I board a very old dog for 3 weeks?

I have been asked to board a 13 year old greyhound for 3 weeks , what are the consequences of it dying in my care?

2 Answers

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It is my opinion that you should have a frank discussion with the owner about this before you accept. Be honest about your concerns and ask how s/he wants this possibility to be handled.

I have a repeat client who is 14 years old and every time he stays I'm afraid he will pass on while in my care. The owner is realistic, however, and, though it would be horrible, everyone understands the inevitable is nearing.

You may also wish to contact Rover support and ask them for advice.


Like Carmen, I also take care of repeat dogs who are very old. So, in Oct. 2015 I asked Rover what happens if a senior dog passes away or health starts going that way due to pre-existing condition or natural causes? I also noted many of the dogs don't have carriers, is there any assistance or service that handles transport?

Rover Support replied: What I would suggest is that if you do take on a stay like that, that you get a plan in place with the owners and have a back up plan. I know that pet taxis do exist, research in your area to see what options might be available. Of course have the info on hand of the vet closest to you. Always have these kinds of backup solutions in case of a situation like this occurs and contact info for the owner and an emergency contact for the owners. Also have the owner's vet info too!