
Colored on?

Help! My 2yr old colored on a dog I'm dog sitting. A nice shade of red that has turned to pink. Anyone with a 2year old knows how fast they move and can understand my situation! I'm torn, do I send the pup home with a gift card for the local doggie spa or just an apology?? I have bathed her twice and tried a number of other things to get the color out. I think it is just going to take time to fade.

2 Answers

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First off, I wouldn't try to remove the color any further. Other than dog shampoos and Murphy's oil soap, stronger cleaners could be harmful to the dog's skin.

I have to assume this is a light-haired dog. If it is a dog that gets groomed and its hair cut, then it will just grow out. As for short-haired types, I am not that certain, but think it should fall out.

Talk to the dog owner. I would think he/she should be fairly understanding. It would be a lovely gesture to offer a grooming gift card to see if anything can be done. Just last week, I saw a dog with a pink tail so dying dogs' hair is popular with some people.

For the future, I would make sure your children only use washable, nonpermanent markers.


Maybe try one of those whitening wipes/sprays that are supposed to remove discoloration from eye drainage/saliva? But either way, I'd let the owners know and ask them before trying any (more) products on their dog, just in case the pup has any allergies. If it were me, I'd make a joke out of it and apologize. If you haven't had any luck getting it out on your own, I'm not sure there's much else a spa could do.


My thoughts exactly! I just wanted to confirm with a fellow sitter. Thank you!