
Share Dog Reviews with other Rover Sitters?

Hi there

This is not a question more of a statement. I'm curious if anyone else feels that the "notes" we leave for each dog could be shared with other Rover sitters. I feel it would be helpful for future sitters to know how each dog behaved once the parents are gone and determine if they want to sit based on other sitters reviews.


4 Answers

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I sit dogs that the owners have become sitters. I am actually glad that the reviews are privet. Now that they are sitters I would be terrible embarrassed for a customer to read the candid note I left about their dogs. My reviews are professional but honest and that could affect future stays and my personal reviews. If the reviews become public to other sitters I hope makes past reviews closed. Just my two cents... Amber G.


I personally would want a sitter to tell me what good and bad things my dog did so that I could praise him or fix it. The truth hurts but its better to be safe then sorry.

Amber makes a good point in that the Rover reviews should have restricted access to those who need to know.- i.e, if she was going to host a dog that another sitter had hosted, there's a reason why she should have access to that dog's info. All of us don't need 2 read all reviews, (It solves issue)

I'm with Michelle M.; I'd like to know the truth of how well or how badly, my dog behaved...just as with kids. :-)


See this recent question:


I personally would love to have the reviews of each dog that we have stay shared with other sitters. It would be great to know the truth about a stay prior to it happening, as I have had many owners lie to me about their dogs behavior, aggression, etc.


Me too, that just happened to me and it was a terrible 10 days. I work full time and had to use vacation days to keep an eye on this one dog. Could've saved those days for good use had I known he was aggressive. Also, it can save future sitters vacation days too.


This has been a regular ongoing request by many. It's Rover's decision. You can send it as an enhancement request and hope maybe someday...

BTW : Reviews are different from Notes. Reviews written for Rover give feedback helpful to them & maybe future sitters (after it's available). Notes may not be as helpful to future sitters as they may be more specific to that service time due to medical, social, or environmental issues that may not exist at future stay elsewhere.