
How do I see my reviews?

I am a sitter

3 Answers

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you can go to your dashboard - go to your profile - click on reviews tab.


If you are looking for your own personal reviews than you can see them through view profile but if you are looking for the reviews you write on the pets- you can't see those. I am really not sure what the point in writing a review on the pets because it doesn't come up anywhere. neither for the client to see or other sitters. ( I hope that one day they change this and would allow other sitters to at least see the pets reviews)


Those pet reviews are pretty darn handy when you get a return visit after a few weeks and are not for sure what that one liked or disliked.

If you click the link in the email rover sends after the stay to "review your stay" and write a review, those are sent to Rover only and you cant look at them later . You can add personal notes to stays for future reference but it is separate. I have found it occasionally but can't locate it now


Since there is no Reviews tab, follow Erica's suggestion. Go to your Dashboard and View Profile. Then you can see the reviews customers have written about you. Here is a direct link to yours: