Pet Sitting in Hinton

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home a few times a day to feed and play with your dog.

I'm looking for service for my:
House Sitting
Drop-In Visits
Doggy Day Care
Dog Walking
One Time
Repeat Weekly
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Search Results

Sitter Profile Image: Fátima & Matthew O.
Verified Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Fátima & Matthew O.
Verified Background Check

1. Fátima & Matthew O.

Your dog will be part of our family
Hinton, AB, T7V
1.4 km. away
Boarding, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
9 reviews
3 repeat clients
per visit

About: Hello. My name is Fatima, I used to have two dogs that I brought with me when I came from Peru. They both lived a loved long beautiful life (14 and 18 years) but now they both passed away. Since then we took care of friend’s dogs, one of them for over a month and he was very happy with us. We have an 8 year old son that loves dogs and will also be happy to spoil your dog. So your dog will need to be good with kids for him/her to feel confortable with us. We like going for walks and having fun. We usually go to the Beaver board area but we like exploring and going to other places as well We’re very affectionate dog people that will treat your dog like a member of our family. Recently we added a new member to our family, a miniature dachshund, her name is Mia, so your doggie needs to be ok with little dogs to stay with us.

Sitter Profile Image: Anna G.
Verified Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Anna G.
Verified Background Check

2. Anna G.

Avid dog lover from big to small
Hinton, AB, T7V
1.2 km. away
House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
8 reviews
4 repeat clients
per visit
Profile image

The ladies were poilte and friendly..lovely feedback kali hopes to see them again soon!

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You don’t need to waste time searching other pet sitter websites—your perfect pet sitter in Hinton, AB is on Rover. Discover and book drop-in visits with someone right in your neighborhood and read pet sitter reviews to find your perfect match. Whether you need a pet sitter for your dog, cat, or small animal, you’re sure to find a caring sitter on Rover who can’t wait to watch your pet.

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