Pet Sitting in Carcross

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home a few times a day to feed and play with your dog.

I'm looking for service for my:
House Sitting
Drop-In Visits
Doggy Day Care
Dog Walking
One Time
Repeat Weekly
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Rover also offers Pet Sitting & Drop Ins in:

Rover also offers other services in Carcross:

Book your next pet sitter in Carcross, YT on Rover. With Rover’s pet sitting website and free app, it’s easy to discover, book, and pay for your pet’s perfect match all on one secure, easy-to-use platform. It doesn’t matter how often you need a pet sitter—for a day or a month—you’ll find someone who can’t wait to drop by and watch your dogs or cats on Rover. You can even check out pet sitter reviews from pet owners just like you to make the right choice for you and your pets.

Drop-In Visits