Caroline H.'s profile

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commented answer service fee?

So how much does Rover charge owners? ...

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asked a question Is it okay to ask for the owners address?

Is it okay to ask for the owners address? I'm not sure if this was asked before but I'm wondering how to respond to an o...

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edited question Why isn't my review showing up on my profile?

Why isn't my review showing up on my profile? I just got two new reviews from my client and am wondering why my reviews ...

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asked a question Why isn't my review showing up on my profile?

Why isn't my review showing up on my profile? I just got two new reviews from my client and am wondering why my reviews ...

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commented answer If a client has no picture of themself, could they be a scam?

Thanks. This was helpful although I feel like Rover should have more requirements from owners as well, not just sitters.

received badge  Scholar (source)
commented answer If a client has no picture of themself, could they be a scam?

Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

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asked a question If a client has no picture of themself, could they be a scam?

I just got a request from a new client and she doesn't have much information on her account. Should I be concerned if she doesn't have any pictures of herself, only the dog? There's also very little info about the dog too.