Dorothy A.'s profile

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commented answer Someone on the Nextdoor website continues to state that Rover and Wag hire animal abusers, should Rover be made aware of this?

Thanks Lisa. ...

commented answer Someone on the Nextdoor website continues to state that Rover and Wag hire animal abusers, should Rover be made aware of this?

Thanks Karen. ...

asked a question Someone on the Nextdoor website continues to state that Rover and Wag hire animal abusers, should Rover be made aware of this?

Someone on the Nextdoor website continues to state that Rover and Wag hire animal abusers, should Rover be made aware of...

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asked a question Am I allowed to locate a sitter by name?

I'm trying to find a sitter by name, not location, and can't seem to do this, is this something Rover doesn't allow? I'm a sitter myself, not someone looking to watch my own pet.

commented question What is the longest dog sitting stay you have had?

Make sure there is enough food for the dog, and if you are sitting at the person's home, enough toilet paper for the sitter!

commented question Are choke collars bad?

If you don't know how to use one properly, it can be bad. I personally prefer prong collars. Both the choke collar and prong are used to give a little 'tug' or 'poke' if the dog is not behaving, and it should literally be a one second 'tug' or 'poke', not a prolonged discomfort.

commented answer Overnights worth it?

I charge $60 per overnight stay, meaning I am there overnight. When I petsit, it's usually anywhere from four days to a week, and I'm there the whole time. I'm getting paid to be there for the client's pet(s). I've charged $60 for years, and not one person has had an issue with the cost, thankfully!

commented question What do you think is the most common dog name?

Blue; Cooper; Roxie; Whiskey; Indy (or Indie); Maggie; Rosie; Sadie... I know there are lots more!