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answered a question Why does my dog stink?

This a question that has a million possible answers. Some possible reasons:

Things a bath can solve: - Dog rolled in something. - Dog hasn't been bathed in a very long time. - Dog went swimming. - Dog went camping.

If the dog hasn't been sprayed by a skunk and none of the above applies, it may be a possible yeast issue that only a vet will be able to diagnose. If it is a yeast issue, adding probioitics to their diet may help along with a bath with a special shampoo.

answered a question When will my dog give birth?

Dogs are usually pregnant for about 2 months. You should take them to the vet to get an ultrasound to be sure they are healthy and that there are not going to be any complications. This will also tell you how many puppies there will be. Similar to cats , dogs will look for a safe spot and "nest". They may also be uninterested in food. If you notice them acting unusual or "hiding" it may be time. You can also call an emergency vet and tell them the symptoms and they would likely be able to tell you if it is labor or if you should bring them in. Here is a good resource to learn about Dogs and Pregnancy :

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answered a question How long can I leave my dog alone?

The answer to this question is very dependent on the dog. If they are a healthy puppy the safest rule to follow is they can be alone for as many hours as they are old. Meaning if they are 2 months old, do not leave them alone for more than 2 hours. I would also say they shouldn't be alone at any age more than 8 hours. When alone they should always be in a contained area where there is nothing they can chew or swallow. If the dog is older and/or has health issues then the amount of time they can be alone will depend on their specific needs.

answered a question Can I get pink eye from my dog?

There are actually a couple different kinds of pink eye. I am guessing it is the bacterial version in this case. I would recommend cleaning their bedding and avoid touching their eye and then your face. Wash your hands if you come in contact with the eye and after applying any medication to the area. Once they have cleared the infection, clean their bedding again.