Dominic L.'s profile

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answered a question My mini Dauchund is almost 12 months old and she is still pooping her crate?

Take all of the bedding and padding out. It sounds harsh, but bedding is the same as a nest. Animals will make a potty c...

answered a question my dog is 15 years old and lately when we walk unleashed he normally walks 10 yards ahead though recently he is staying close to me in front and times will stop right in front of me while im walking and seems to cut me off too. What is going on with him?

Your good boy may be getting tired more quickly. If so, this may be his sign that he is ready to turn around and head ho...

answered a question Constant itching?

You're bathing too often if it's once or twice a week. Their coats need the oils that they produce. When you do bathe, m...

answered a question Sitter has boyfriend in client home without permission?

That is uncalled for, on the part of the sitter. Sorry this happened. I agree with the other posts; call the sitter and ...

answered a question Do rover sitters have a way of flagging or giving bad reviews to dogs who bite or cause problems?

At animal hospitals we have color codes. Yellow and red are dogs and cats that have previously made aggressive contact. ...

answered a question Bulging sack on puppy stomach?

Likely an umbilical hernia. Make an appointment with a vet to confirm. You may be able to address this as a virtual appo...

answered a question Eating with mommy?

Most savory prepared meals have onion powder added. Onions are toxic to dogs. ...