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answered a question Are vaccinations records required?

Rover doesn't require vaccinations, but many sitters do require just the basic vaccinations as a precaution to protect the dogs. I require all my clients to show me proof of updated vaccines for the standard vaccines (rabies, distemper/parvo, bordetella (kennel cough vaccine)). I have never had any complaints from a client. They understand that I have a high traffic of dogs in and out of my apartment and we go to the park often. Before I book with a client, I wait for a picture or screen shot to be sent or the client brings a copy at our meet/greet.

answered a question Using rover app on Android?

Rover Cards are for Home visits, dog walking and check-ins. No Rover card will appear on your app if you are Dog boarding. I just send an update with a few pictures/videos each day to the client. They will always appreciate anything they get while away from their furbabies.

answered a question How much exercise does my dog need?

Depending on the dog breed times will vary. I would say 30-60 mins of active time is best to keep them healthy. Some dogs require more activity so they won't start destroying in the house due to boredom. The amount of time can be broken down throughout the day so the dog doesn't get over exerted. Multiple 10-15 min walks throughout the day should be fine. ALso playing with your dog in the backyard or inside with some toys all count :)

answered a question Can I give my dog benadryl for itching?

Before giving Benadryl, check with the vet to make sure your dog is in good health first. Typical dose is 1mg/lb of dog weight. So if your dog weighs 25 pounds, then you would give her (1) 25mg tablet of benadryl. Just a note, benadryl can cause constipation in dogs so you don't want to use it all the time if its not necessary.

answered a question How much dry food should I feed my dog?

Depends on the dog's weight. Most of the time there's a feeding guideline on the back of the dog food bag or on the label of the canned food. If you are trying to put your dog on a diet to help them lose weight, then ask a vet about feeding instructions for calorie control

answered a question Calendar Availability

Definitely add Friday to your availability. Always double check with the owners when it comes to pick up/drop off details just to double check that everyone is on the right page.

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answered a question At what temperature should i bring my dog inside?

Depends where you live and the type of dog. If you have a Husky they have a double coat to protect them from the cold so they can be outside in colder temps. A poodle or a chihuahua won't be able to handle such cold temps. Safe rule is "if you're cold they're cold too" so bring them in.

commented question At what temperature should i bring my dog inside?

It also depends where you live. In many cities in Texas, the law is once the temperature hits 40 degrees outside, dogs must be brought indoors or have some type of insulated shelter to be brought into like a dog igloo.

answered a question How can I tell if my dog has worms?

It will depend on how bad the infestation is. IF you see the dog's tummy to be very bloated, that's typically a sign of heartowrms that have been in the system for quite some time. YOu can't tell always just by looking at the boop. Heartworm tests are done with a blood test. Evidence of worms may look like spaghetti if roundworms or rice if tapeworms in the poop, Diagnosis is usually a fecal or blood test depending on what type of parasite you are looking for. Typically takes 2 doses to deworm but sometimes it may take more. * Remember some worms, such as roundworms and hookworms, can be transferred from dogs to humans through direct contact with dog feces. For this reason, use gloves when handling infected feces and always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water afterwards.

answered a question Why does my dog dig in his bed?

Dogs have sweat glands in the pads of their paws. This "digging" motion is actually them marking their bed with their scent without having to pee where they sleep.

answered a question Why does my dog get hiccups a lot?

Hiccups are caused by air getting trapped within the diaphragm or if the dog eats too fast or starts running/playing too quickly after eating. Also small dog breeds tend to get hiccups more often than larger dogs. I know it sounds weird but I actually burp my dog when he gets the hiccups just like a baby. It actually works. I had a friend who was fostering dogs and that's what she found to work. All my foster pups who get hiccups also get burped too. Typically will go away after a few seconds of burping them.

answered a question How can I map my dog walk?

There are plenty of apps to help track your dog walk. There are also apps that will donate to a rescue of your choice just by walking your dog! My favorites are : Walk for a Dog and ResQWalk. Best thing is you can even use multiple apps at the same time to track your walk and get donations to the rescue of your choice. The apps will even send you coupons for dog related purchases such as flea/tick prevention, heartworm prevention and treats!I also use Google fit and the Samsun S health to track our walks. Wishing you happy trails!

answered a question What can I give my dog for bad breath?

You'll need to identify what is causing the bad breath? Yearly cleanings are always recommended for dogs to get their teeth cleaned. Also you can try giving a water additive. I use Arm & Hammer Water addidtive. I just add a cap full of the stuff into the water to help with Toby's stinky breath and it realy does work. Its taseless and odorless so the dogs can't tel the difference in their water. Also there are treats to help. I rotate among a few brands: Nature Balance (pricey but can be found on sale often specially on amazon), DentaStix by Pedigree (can be found at your local grocery store or walmart/target) and lastly Milk Bone Dental Chews. My dog gets tired of the same flavors so I switch between brands to keep him entertained. He enjoys and they help neutralize the odor in between cleanings. Also I would try brushing teeth weekly if your dog lets you.

answered a question Why does my dog scoot on her bottom?

Dogs can drag their bottom for a variety of reasons: 1. anal glands are full. you can go to a groomer or vet to get them expressed or learn to do it yourself. 2. Poop may be stuck in the hairs or there is diarrhea and they don't feel clean enough 3. Dog has worms/parasites such as Roundworms, Whip Worms or tapeworms. This is often seen in dogs that aren't on any type of heart worm prevention or dogs that have been on the streets. Puppies are often infected by momma when they nurse from her that's why puppies tend to have to go through a couple rounds of deworming. If your dog isn't on any type of prevention then I would recommend them getting tested for heartworms and get on a monthly prevention regimen. If money is an issue there are typically many places where you can get for a discounted price. Also try looking online on 1-800 Petmeds for discounted meds. They will verify with your vet before sending any medications to you. Some animal shelters also tend to give prevention clinics as well.

answered a question Why does my dog shiver?

Dogs may shiver because they're nervous or cold. Some dogs learn to shiver to get attention. Try putting a seater on the dog to keep them warm. Or even a thunder shirt (you can find at pet stores like petsmart or pet co). These shirts help with anxiety. You can also try giving your dog a calming treat to help with the nervousness. I have a dog that shakes when nervous or when he just wants me to pick him up. I like the calming treats from the brand Pet Naturals of Vermont. They're natural and don't make the dog drowsy like a zombie, they just help to take the edge off.

answered a question What do I do if my dog is vomiting and has diarrhea?

I would contact a vet always. Your vet may want to check if the dog ate something bad or poisonous. It could be the dog has a sensitive tummy from changing food brands or ate human food. If its just diarrhea, my vet has recommended giving the dog canned pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling). You can start with 1/4 teaspoon ever 2-4 hours working your way up to 2 tablespoons.

* Pumpkin helps with diarrhea and constipation by the way.

answered a question Why does my dog follow me?

dogs love being with their family. Remember you and your dog are part of a "pack" YOU are the leader of the pack. Some animals may just have separation anxiety and being around others may help calm them down. My dog hates closed doors and will freak out and bite or scratch doors. But if he sees the door open he is fine. HE doesn't always follow me but he will look in my direction every once in awhile to make sure all is well.

answered a question food agression?

You may want to try training him to sit and wait for the food before putting it down to feed him. Then pick up the bowl immediately after he's done eating. Don't let a dog graze feed because then they may try an always be on the defense to protect their food. If you aren't having much luck with that, you may want to reach out to a behavior specialist to see if they can help. Do you know the dog's past? Such as was he on the streets? Was he a rescue dog? Did he sty with mom and litter for enough time to learn from the other dogs and momma?

answered a question Why does my dog hump me?

Humping in dogs is sometimes just about excitement to see you like when you walk into the door. If the dog has not been neutered (altered) then its almost always a sign of showing dominance (being the alpha male). Once the dog is neutered, this behavior usually goes away on its own.

answered a question Why does my dog keep barking at me?

Dogs use barking as a form of communication. You may notice the tone of the bark is different. The dog may be barking because she wants to go outside to potty, may want to play, try to get your attention to danger or just want attention such as a good belly rub. You will need to pay attention to their body language to figure out what they're trying to tell you.

answered a question How can I tell if my dog is in pain?

You'll want to look for changes in behavior when looking to see if your dog is in pain such as : limping, refusing to move aka mobility issues, changes in posture or changes in breathing. They may even change their eating habits.

answered a question How can I keep my dog off the couch?

Try offering an alternative to the couch such as a dog bed and tell the dog in a stern voice "no". You can offer a treat or toys on the dog bed or area where you would like the dog to go to.