Lori M.'s profile

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answered a question do sitters get to rate owners, dogs? Do potential sitters see reviews on the dogs?

I feel there should be an review of owners by sitters

answered a question Stay for today, still pending?

I have a client that was slow as molasses in clicking to confirm a stay request. So I started putting a time clock on it for example: it's Sunday night and the stay starts tomorrow morning/or afternoon. I send a text that says "I'm looking forward to walking (insert dogs name) but need you to confirm the stay that starts tomorrow needs to be confirmed by 10pm tonight. I just want to assure you're timeslot on my calender as I have other bookings"

answered a question Most recent review is not out there?

I had a client review me. She must of just clicked the number of stars but didn't give a typed review. Because I show 6 reviews and there are only 5 written ones. So I can only assume just the number of stars were clicked and nothing more

answered a question Do owners undergo a background check as well?

I had a client ask me for my drivers license so he could take a photo with his iPhone. I said politely no. I had a background check done by Rover and we are both covered by the insurance. Never ever give personal info

answered a question Anyone else have inaccurate review data on their profiles?

I live in Lutz Florida and my profile shows Land O' Lakes

commented question Traveling sitters/walkers...what do you use for all of your stuff?

I just use a waist sack/fanny pack. I can fit my keys, cell phone,wallet etc....even room for treats 🐶

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