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asked a question How to socialize a 6month old dog?

My puppy is six months old, and every time we take him out for a walk, he would bark and lunge at other dogs. He wasn't like this before, only started when another dog started barking and charging at him on a walk before, so I think he may be scared of other dogs or something. Walking around to avoid other dogs won't help him stop barking at them, and sometimes even when we do go around, he lunges at the dog across the street. He also refuses to listen or accept treats when he spots another dog. He's relatively fine with humans, but also starts barking when they get to close.

Is there a way to get him to get used to dogs and people and not be scared of them? I don't think suddenly taking him to a crowded area will be a good idea (he'll bark until everyones' eardrums break). And he usually doesn't bark if we pick him up. I'm considering of trying to get him used to people and dogs while in my arms since he's calmest that way but I don't know if that's a good way to do it.

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asked a question How to correct a puppy's humping problems?

My puppy is about 4month old, and whenever he meets strangers, he tends to bark and run around like crazy. I think that this is a socialization problems and am working on socializing him more. But the thing is, after he gets used to the stranger, he can start approaching them and if the stranger welcomes him, there are times when he starts to hump them. I usually take him away when he does that, I don't know if that is what I should be doing but I don't want him to hump my friends or in fact, anyone. When I first got him (2 and a half months old), he was shy around me but did not bark or go crazy. And after a day, he tried to hump me too. I just ignored him and later on, he stopped trying humping me, but that doesn't apply to strangers he just got used to in a few minutes. He also tends to hump his bed after he smells it, I don't know if its the scent that gets him excited or what, but I mainly want to stop him from humping random people. And also, what is the best way to socialize our puppy? We just moved to a new area and don't have many friends to invite over, and he barks like crazy whenever a stranger approaches so I don't know if going to a public place is the best idea because he barks really loud, sometimes growls, and runs around like crazy and occasionally goes into a playing position too.

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asked a question How to stop a puppy from eating everything?

My puppy (almost 4 months old) loves his string toys and his string toys only. He doesn't like his rubber toys very much probably because he can't fit it into his mouth. But the thing is, he rips the string off of his rope toys and eats it! If we take away his string toys, then he rips off pieces of rubber of his rubber toys and tries to eat that. And if he doesn't have toys, he obviously rips our carpet to shreds and eats that. We gave him a tennis ball but he ripped the hairs out of the ball and tried to eat that. That also takes furry soft toys out of the picture. When we go outside, he tries to eat sticks and leaves. Even if he is full, he swallows a piece of twig or carpet here and there. Now, he coughs (I think that its coughing. First time dog owner, can't say I know much) every now and then I feel like its because of all the string and random things he eats. Its mainly because he coughs like this that I feel like he needs to stop eating everything. How can I stop this if it needs to be stopped?

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commented answer Puppy Potty Problems?

As for the action before pooping, he goes crazy and if you approach him, he thinks you are playing with him and crouches down as if about to pounce while barking. Can't even get near him unless he gets near us. Literally nothing can stop him unless he feels like stopping. He's never like this any other time, only before pooping.

commented answer Puppy Potty Problems?

My puppy knows to go outside to potty but because he used to be trained with a pad, he always knows to potty on things that look like pads. We usually keep an eye on him so no accidents happen but I want him to completely forget the pad thing.

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asked a question Puppy Potty Problems?

The old owner of the puppy I bought probably trained him with the pads, because now, he seems to be searching for a small piece of carpet to pee on. We are taking him outside to go potty everyday, and he has been doing a GREAT job, but occasionally, when we take our eyes off him for the slightest second while he's outside his kennel, he went potty on the carpet. Some articles say to tell the puppy off while he's doing it wrong, and we did do that. Not that much improvement, just an unhappy puppy. Any suggestions to stop this?

Also, EVERY TIME before poo, our pup goes hyper and crazy. He starts barking, digging, eating every leaf on sight, pulling up clumps of dirt and grass and eating it, running in circles and zig zags, growling, pouncing and so on for like five minutes before going poo. Is this supposed to be normal or something I should take care of? It is really annoying every time this happens because he doesn't listen to anything. He doesn't respond to sit, stop, no, down, his name and everything else he's learned. Please help stop this behavior.

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commented answer My dog isn't affected by lure training?

I'm not so sure if he actually eats the sticks but he does like to chew on them a lot. Before, we found a little piece missing here and there and I don't think we ever saw him spit it out. Sometimes he does, but that was only big pieces that he ripped off. The little ones were almost never seen...

commented answer My dog isn't affected by lure training?

We don't think sticks are really edible so we try to prevent him from doing that....... other than that, he's not interested in anything. He does like some of his toys, but not to the point of following it. And, any idea why he would eat sticks and leaves but not treats? Or is it just a puppy thing.

commented answer My dog isn't affected by lure training?

We have tried once with higher value treats. He loved it, but from that day onwards, he eats only about half the amount of kibble he usually eats. I don't know if that's the cause but that's what we think the cause is. And he's only interest in leaves and stick lying outside... and he EATS them!

asked a question My dog isn't affected by lure training?

Exactly as the title says. I don't think my puppy is too interested in the treats I give him, he likes them, but he isn't one of those puppies who'd do anything for it. How should I train my puppy if he doesn't follow or think too highly of treats? He does like rawhide, but I'm afraid of the dangers rawhide poses and I don't think that's exactly a treat. My family also doesn't allow me to use real meat or veggies (Because they're afraid that the puppy will get hooked on the yummy food and refuse to eat his kibble).

I just noticed this recently because when we first got him, he seemed to like treats just fine, but slowly lost his interest in them. Now, he barely responds to treats, he responds to treats just like how he responds to kibble... which isn't much interest unless he's hungry (meal time). I can try a few different brands/types of treats but I can't spend too much money on such. Any suggestions?

commented answer How to leash train a puppy who refuses to move?

He's fine with the leash, but he just doesn't always follow. Even off the leash, he only follows when he wants to. If there is anything distracting him (like a leaf), he runs to that instead. I have tried praising and giving treats when he does come to me, but I don't think he gets why he is praised

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asked a question How to leash train a puppy who refuses to move?

I got my puppy last week, he's a havanese and almost three months old. I decided to start leash training him so I can start walking him outside soon. I have never owned a dog before so I don't really know how to start but I did watch and read many many videos/articles on how to leash train a puppy. I followed their examples but it just isn't working. My dog tends to just lay there (And won't budge at all) until I walk about ten meters away and then it charges at me. It also goes crazy when it doesn't get to go where it wants to, which often means to my neighbor's yard. I don't know how to move on from here, please help.