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commented answer How can I best care for my diabetic insulin-dependent dog without losing my mind (and all my money)?

Checking meetup. Thanks.

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commented answer How can I best care for my diabetic insulin-dependent dog without losing my mind (and all my money)?

I did check all the resources for financial assistance. I found lots of places that will help with acute needs, but none for chronic illness. I also had an offer to help me find a no-kill shelter. Looking for a poodle group is a great idea. I will check.

asked a question How can I best care for my diabetic insulin-dependent dog without losing my mind (and all my money)?

I live alone with my 7 year old dog and the strict 12 hour dosing schedule is almost impossible for me. I don't work, but any pair of times interferes with the occasional evening event, or daytime activity I want to plan. He was diagnosed in January and I thought I was doing okay until I was away recently for a week and I discovered an exhilarating lack of unrecognized stress in myself. Also, his care is expensive, with insulin, regular vet visits and tests, prescription food, antihistamines, etc etc etc. I'm on a fixed income. I have no family or friends who can help me out. I can't afford to leave him often with the wonderful sitter I found.

I've had him since he was two months old. (He's a hypoallergenic toy poodle with allergies.) I am starting to think I may have to try to adopt him out, and it's killing me.

I would appreciate any suggestions at all.