Elise B.'s profile

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commented question Why does my dog 'flea" everything when excited?

Yeah I have no idea what this means ...

answered a question Client tracking, info software/program?

I created my own form on JotForm to collect info. It is highly customizable and will create a searcheable database that you can send to excel or Google drive etc. It's free!

answered a question Why does my dog lick his feet?

It has come to my attention that some paw licking or biting could actually be caused by nerve issues caused by collars and harnesses, as well as bursts of intense exercise after long periods of inactivity. If your dog has itchy back feet, it could be caused by exercising too intensely in between longer periods of rest. Itchy front feet could be caused by pressure on the nerves in the neck by certain collars and harnesses and strong pulling behaviors.

This is only one possibility, but it is very commonly overlooked by veterinarians, who often will prescribe allergy medications. It is still best to consult a veterinarian, but this is worth mentioning to them, especially if other treatments haven’t worked.