Walt G.'s profile

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answered a question Do we need insurance?

There are 5 primary Pet Sitter liability insurance companies for US-based businesses. All of the insurance carriers ar...

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answered a question Service area - not fit for purpose - can't it be changed?

Rover support never comes to this site. Many have asked for this option yet Rover never implemented it. Call Customer ...

answered a question Does Rover have a public API?

What are you attempting to locate? Call Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] possibly, they can assist. ...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question How do we find a sitter listed before now does not come up in search?

Call Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] they will assist you ...

commented answer Has anyone else gotten little to no requests the last couple months?

Setting a large service area can and does exclude you from appearing in search results. While you think it makes sense ...

received badge  Good Answer (source)
answered a question What type of photos should I put on my Rover profile?

Without a doubt client pets and you already have good pictures on your profile ...

answered a question Has anyone else gotten little to no requests the last couple months?

Winter months can be a slow season for many sitters. You may consider changing your service area to no larger than 10 m...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question Why can't I complete my profile to be a pet sitter?

Call Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] they can assist you ...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question Is there someone in "Brevard County" Florida that can be my "backup"?

The best way to find backups is to send them a booking request and introduce yourself, worked for me! You could also re...

answered a question How do I edit my review?

call Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] ...

answered a question Contact Rover Support by phone?

Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] ...

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answered a question How do I add Previous References?

Sorry, but you cannot do what you are asking. Previous reviews can only be added via the testimonial link and with a va...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question Why does it take so long to get paid for recurring bookings?

Recurrings are paid weekly on the same day each week; most are okay with this arrangement. Since you aren't call Custo...

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answered a question Does anyone know what are the qualifications required for one to become a pet sitter?

You must be legally allowed to work in the USA, not all visas allow you to work! I'd call Customer Support 888-453-78...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question How do I delete a sitter from my rebook list ????

Not sure you can so call Customer Support [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] to see if they can advise you ...

answered a question There was a comment on Nextdoor that Rover people lose there dogs and hinted its a bad company. Who do i report this to?

Pet sitters lose dogs every day, not just Rover sitters. Owners lose their dogs more frequently than pet sitters. Many...

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answered a question Can't get into apartment. Would you modify booking info?

Would I modify the booking? No way, you showed up and should be paid ...

answered a question How can I delete pictures like when I send them a picture of our hose so they can find it ?

https://support.rover.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000892766-How-do-I-remove-client-photos-from-my-profile- ...

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answered a question Can I take jobs I am contacted about that are in Canada?

You are not legally allowed to work in Canada without a work visa ...

answered a question What are you writing off taxes 2022?

LONG LIST - Cellphone - Poop bags - Leashes - First aid kits - Leash backups - Car seat covers - Car dog barriers - Do...

received badge  Nice Answer (source)
answered a question Weekly walks does not show as a repeat client?

Recurring service clients are not credited as a repeat. Call and complain [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at https://support.rover.com/ to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] ...

received badge  Great Answer (source)
edited answer Client asked me to dog sit at a hotel?

Hotel sitting happens not frequently, but it happens. Brig a friend along, eat dinner, and watch movies ...

answered a question Client asked me to dog sit at a hotel?

Hotel sitting happens not frequently, but iut happens. Brig a friend along, eat dinner, and watch movies ...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question Why does Rover not refund the application fee if applicant is not selected?

What is your question? Rover sitters pay for background checks not an application fee! ...