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answered a question Have you ever used a Thundershirt?

I am the manufacturer of a similar product to the Thundershirt and have found that it really depends on the dog. If your dog likes to be comforted and cuddled by you then chances are the swaddling effect will work. The biggest issue that I stress to our customers is the fit! It needs to fit snug. We offer custom sizing for our product because there are many dogs that just do not fit into the chart. ie oversized like the Wolf Hound or boxy like the Basset Hound. The "swaddleshirt" is also lightweight and breathable and is a T-shirt without velcro straps. For more info go to

Strategies for Anxiety in dogs was featured on the Dr's "Ask a Vet" segment:

commented question How do you get a dog to calm down around people?

The Dr's "ask a Vet" segment talks about this issue. We deal with this issue a lot in our rescue and I do use a "Swaddleshirt" for anxious or frightened dogs which is the same concept as the Thundershirt but a completely different design. Go to (

answered a question How to get rid of fleas?

Our dogs are on Raw food and I have never had any issues though we live in a forested area with deer. This causes concern for me due to ticks but also we foster dogs and I am constantly having to treat my home. As we try to live chemical free we use natural products to protect both our own dogs and our home. I am now the distributor for "Pet Protector" which is a chemical free product for Flea & Tick prevention and I would highly recommend this to anyone.