Ishah S.'s profile

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commented question advice for new sitters to book clients?

I have been in your shoes I was working with a client canceling rescheduling, and I left it alone but she kept texting me so. Finally she asked in it would be okay for her to bring her dog at 6 am. I said yes. She ask for the address, and never showed up. Shake it off and keep at it. It will happen

answered a question What is the best type of collar? Nylon or Leather?

I like nylon on some of my dogs because it does not brother their necks or create rashes. Some of my dog have leather collars because it holds them better and doesn't make it easy for them to chew on.

answered a question How can I tell if a dog is being playful or dominant (aggressive)?

My dogs are always wagging their tails when their happy and playful and when they are ready to become aggressive their tails stop wagging and their bodies tense up. I have some that the hair/ fur will stand up on the back of their neck. Other than that each dog is different I have 9 so I see some react the same and others I don't see it coming.

answered a question What are the major signs your dog may be sick?

My dogs eat a lot of grass when they are feeling sick and then throw it up a few minutes later. I have one dog who is always moving so when hes sick and down he will lay around and moan like a baby.

answered a question What's a good indoor activity for a high-energy dog?

So I bought my dogs a toy mouse that runs around the house and i have the controler so i make sure the mouse runs under something so they won't ketch it we have hours of fun. The at it all day when it rains. Or you can the lazer light and run him crazy my little dog likes that one.