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answered a question Need help finding a good dog breed?

I'll say German shepherd if it's well bred but go to a dog show they have different breeds or go to you local kennel club meeting they might be able to youwrite your normal schedule from when you wake up to when you go to sleep including the time your wife goes running and where as detailed as possible write exactly what you want and don't want temperament wise about what height are looking for and other descriptions you want in the dog before deciding on breed because multiple breeds possibly could be from what you said ask your boss if there is any restrictions on breeds or anything

answered a question How can we change the dog personality and build confidence and reduce his shyness and fear?

i got my dog at 9wks he was scared of everything inside and out except me he's now 3yrs old still is scared of new things but i can't drive but i live in a by petco so i took him there as soon i could they a puppy playtime thats free on weekends i took him to those he loves other dogs even then but he was also afraid of the world i got him from the county shelter i made huge strides but i still have a way to go because he still trembles and will go to the floor or hide behind me if he's afraid but i learned that you shouldn't pet them i talk to him in a soothing voice until he calms down then pet him otherwise he'll think that's how he should act you should also speak to a dog behaviorist rather than just a trainer because they would have more experience and might be able to recommend trainers to you if i could afford it i would have but i had to figure it out on my own

answered a question Dog brought in fleas, what do I do?

i think it might be ok for you to use a capstar even if the dog is on prevention and i would keep it at home for future use

answered a question Introducing anxious dog to family dogs?

could be that you are tensing up or something that your dog can read that talk to a behaviorist or have the trainer work with both of you together that should help or at least they would be able to give you pointers

answered a question How do i find the right dog?

if you have a budget of 200 you aren't going to be able to go to a reputable breeder but you could go to a shelter if they also have purebred rescues which i think they might get to 300 but they are kept at fosters