Jessica C.'s profile

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commented answer Has anyone's dog ever gone missing under rover sitter?

Love the tag idea!

received badge  Critic (source)
commented answer i haven't had much experience with dogs, how could i improve my experience so people would want to hire me?

I agree with volunteering at a shelter or animal rescue. It'll look good on your profile to show you have that experience and also generosity. Good luck!

received badge  Supporter (source)
answered a question What household cleaning products are best to use around dogs?

I volunteer at a dog rescue and they swear by a product called Simple Green. A different shelter I volunteered at used Nature's Miracle along with water mixed with bleach for deep cleaning, but make sure the dog isn't around when using bleach. Hope that helps!

answered a question What trick can I teach a dog in a few days?

Depending on the type of dog and how fast they learn new tricks, I would try something like beg or shake. Shake is taught with a treat in your hand, and don't give it up until the dog touches your hand with their paw. You will most likely have to actually take their paw the first few times. Beg starts similar to sit, just hold the treat higher. My dogs picked up on this quickly because they love food, so not sure how else to teach this one. Hope that helps!