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commented question Does anyone have problems getting into your rover account sometimes?

You can change your settings to say you take more dogs than you actually do, then they can still send you requests & if you are booked full you can just respond saying sorry I am booked. Once you are booked you don't even show up as a sitter.

commented question How do I get a very exuberant dog to stop jumping on me when I come home?

Easiest way is to put your knee up if it is a larger dog. your knee hits their chest and kind of stuns them, but it doesn't hurt. For smaller dogs do not talk to them or look at them walk in and just ignore them for a few minutes and put your pocketbook down, take your coat off etc. then sit down and call them over, they will probably be right next to you any way when you sit.

commented question Recommendations for a carpet cleaner?

thank you going to look it up now!

answered a question Is it ever appropriate to not have a meet and greet?

Obviously meet and greets are an important part of our business, however last minute bookings do come up and a client may not be able to make it to your house. What I would suggest is to offer to go to their house to at least meet the owner and the dog. This way you can get a feel of the dogs personality. I have never had a problem with a dog coming into my home, but you have a good sense of the behaviors your dog likes and dislikes.

If you can't meet at all, tell them if there is a bad vibe when they bring the dog for boarding you may have to decline their request. Honesty is the best policy.

asked a question Keeping a full house calm?

The holidays are going to be crazy with a full house of pups & company. I plan to keep my pups calm with plenty of exercise and sticking to their routine. Do you have any other tips?

commented question How do I lodge a complaint?

Wow, no excuse for that. I am a sitter and a customer & would never do that. You need to follow through &call and lodge a complaint and make sure they let you do a review. You usually get an email after your stay asking for a review. When you call make sure the sitter didn't give you a bad review!

commented question Do I have to tip the sitter?

Tipping is not required or expected. I would consider how much you are paying. If you are getting a great deal than maybe add a little ti once in awhile. If you are paying a premium rate you may consider something around the holidays. I personally don't expect a tip from my clients.

commented question Does anyone have problems getting into your rover account sometimes?

I haven't had any issues, but if you are on a mobile device, make sure you down load the app and try going through the app.

asked a question Recommendations for a carpet cleaner?

I have tried Nature's Miracle in the past, but need something better, any suggestions? I am having issues with the boys marking on the same area rug. Would love to just treat the whole rug.