Nicole H.'s profile

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received badge  Necromancer (source)
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answered a question Does Rover support community nonprofit animal welfare groups?

I don't know what Rover does, but if you're a Rover sitter you have the option to have a percentage of your earnings aut...

edited answer Are pit bulls actually dangerous?

As with any other large breed the answer is that they can be. Pitties have a high prey drive. Most of the accidents with...

edited answer Are pit bulls actually dangerous?

As with any other large breed the answer is that they can be. Pitties have a high prey drive. Most of the accidents with...

answered a question Are pit bulls actually dangerous?

As with any other large breed the answer is that they can be. Pitties have a high prey drive. Most of the accidents with...

commented answer How do I prevent dog fights?

I just have to add that you risk serious injury stepping into a dog fight alone Be careful out there! ...

edited answer How do I prevent dog fights?

Dogs have a pack order. If you are doing things out of order the pups will try to re-establish their place in line. So a...

received badge  Editor (source)
answered a question How do I prevent dog fights?

I'm not clear on the situation. Are these dogs that live together or are you doing group walks? Dogs have a pack order. ...

received badge  Supporter (source)
commented question Why am I paying for a 30 min dog walk, when at most, I’m getting 25 min?

Every walker is different! You should ask your walker to describe a typical walk for them and if you'd like them to make...

commented question Why am I paying for a 30 min dog walk, when at most, I’m getting 25 min?

Every walker is different! You should ask your walker to describe a typical walk for them and if you'd like them to make...

answered a question Coverage for Sitters?

The insurance you are looking for is short term disability. I have purchased it from State Farm in the past and currently carry it through Aflac. Price varies widely due to age, income level, start date etc... Rover is still relatively new, heck they still haven't even worked out the bugs in their app as I'm sure you all well know:( I'm sure as they begin stabilize they will be able to turn some of their focus to quality items like group discount policies. I think Uber was around 10 years before they started offering it.