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answered a question Can you help me stop my dog biting, and bossing me around?

Please don’t ignore this behaviour. He is getting what he wants by biting you, and you have to let him know that it is unwanted behaviour. He does not know that he is misbehaving. To him, it is great fun, but dogs want to please us, so if you let him know that he should not bite and that it hurts you, he should eventually stop. It will take a lot of patience and time, as he has developed a liking for this behaviour, and he will keep forgetting that it is wrong.

Try to yelp, as your dog would if he was hurt. By doing this, you are speaking his language and telling him that it hurts. Then tell him a firm NO, and turn away from him, or stop playing with him. By doing this, you are removing a reward, like playing or simply being with you. You can also try putting him in a time out (holding him in the corner or putting him in his crate for a few seconds to a minute)

Good luck, and let me know of your progress. Katie